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Odoo Enterprise?

Its not that hard. Example.

I would create a non existing add-on called Odoo - Pay Later, ppl download it, install it and give all the permissions needed.

If you use accounting software, i recommend buy it or use Stripe. All downloads are scanned on virus etc but a backdoor is not a virus.
do you think the developers from appstore will do that ? i mean odoo dont check ?
Its not that hard. Example.

I would create a non existing add-on called Odoo - Pay Later, ppl download it, install it and give all the permissions needed.

If you use accounting software, i recommend buy it or use Stripe. All downloads are scanned on virus etc but a backdoor is not a virus.
stripe is not an accounting software it is a payment processor.

as for your example, it should work in theory.
Hello everyone,

I work as a full-stack developer, and I'm not very familiar with Odoo. However, I have a client who hired a third-party company to install and configure Odoo for them. They installed and configured Odoo 15 Community edition. At some point, I customized a report template through code. However, since they hired the other company, they decided to install Studio to apply different customizations and adjusted various reports, among other things. However, there's an issue where sometimes the report prints correctly, and other times the information appears disorganized. The company they hired has been unable to find a solution for several months and blames it on having installed Studio (although it was their suggestion). They also experienced server slowness issues that their provider couldn't resolve. For these reasons, my client decided to seek my support. Here's what I've done and some questions I have that you might be able to help with:

  • I read the Odoo documentation and set up a droplet on DigitalOcean, where I installed Odoo 15 according to the documentation. I spent some time solving problems with the versions of some libraries, but it worked, and the speed improved. However, the issue with the reports persists.
  • I continued investigating and thought the issue with the reports might be related to the version of some library. I discovered that it was much simpler to install Odoo using Docker. So, I decided to set it up using Docker, considering that the image comes with the exact versions needed for Odoo to function. I thought this would solve the problem with the reports, but it didn't. I managed to improve the server's performance but couldn't fix the report problem.
However, I'm working with the modules that the previous provider had at the time of installing Odoo for my client. Here's the list of currently installed modules in case it's useful:


account                             l10n_do                          pos_gift_card
account_accountant                  l10n_dz                          pos_hr
account_asset                       l10n_ec                          pos_mercury
account_auto_transfer               l10n_eg                          pos_restaurant
account_bank_statement_import       l10n_eg_edi_eta                  pos_restaurant_adyen
account_bank_statement_import_camt  l10n_es                          pos_sale
account_bank_statement_import_csv   l10n_es_edi_sii                  pos_sale_margin
account_bank_statement_import_ofx   l10n_et                          pos_sale_product_configurator
account_bank_statement_import_qif   l10n_eu_oss                      pos_six
account_check_printing              l10n_fi                          product
account_debit_note                  l10n_fi_sale                     product_email_template
account_edi                         l10n_fr                          product_expiry
account_edi_facturx                 l10n_fr_facturx_chorus_pro       product_images
account_edi_proxy_client            l10n_fr_fec                      product_margin
account_edi_ubl                     l10n_fr_pos_cert                 product_matrix
account_edi_ubl_bis3                l10n_gcc_invoice                 project
account_edi_ubl_cii                 l10n_gcc_invoice_stock_account   project_account
account_fleet                       l10n_gcc_pos                     project_hr_expense
account_followup                    l10n_generic_coa                 project_mail_plugin
account_lock                        l10n_gr                          project_mrp
account_payment                     l10n_gt                          project_purchase
account_qr_code_sepa                l10n_hk                          project_timesheet_holidays
account_reports                     l10n_hn                          purchase
account_reports_cash_basis          l10n_hr                          purchase_mrp
account_sale_timesheet              l10n_hu                          purchase_product_matrix
account_tax_python                  l10n_id                          purchase_requisition
account_test                        l10n_id_efaktur                  purchase_requisition_stock
analytic                            l10n_ie                          purchase_requisition_stock_dropshipping
association                         l10n_il                          purchase_stock
attachment_indexation               l10n_in                          rating
auth_ldap                           l10n_in_edi                      repair
auth_oauth                          l10n_in_edi_ewaybill             resource
auth_password_policy                l10n_in_pos                      sale
auth_password_policy_portal         l10n_in_purchase                 sale_coupon
auth_password_policy_signup         l10n_in_purchase_stock           sale_coupon_delivery
auth_signup                         l10n_in_sale                     sale_crm
auth_totp                           l10n_in_sale_stock               sale_expense
auth_totp_mail                      l10n_in_stock                    sale_gift_card
auth_totp_mail_enforce              l10n_in_upi                      sale_management
auth_totp_portal                    l10n_it                          sale_margin
barcodes                            l10n_it_edi                      sale_mrp
barcodes_gs1_nomenclature           l10n_it_edi_sdicoop              sale_mrp_margin
base_address_city                   l10n_it_stock_ddt                sale_product_configurator
base_address_extended               l10n_jp                          sale_product_matrix
base_automation                     l10n_ke                          sale_project
base_geolocalize                    l10n_ke_edi_tremol               sale_project_account
base_iban                           l10n_latam_base                  sale_purchase
base_import                         l10n_latam_invoice_document      sale_purchase_stock
base_import_module                  l10n_lt                          sale_quotation_builder
base_setup                          l10n_lu                          sale_sms
base_sparse_field                   l10n_lu_peppol_id                sale_stock
base_vat                            l10n_ma                          sale_stock_margin
board                               l10n_mn                          sale_timesheet
bus                                 l10n_multilang                   sale_timesheet_margin
calendar                            l10n_mx                          sales_team
calendar_sms                        l10n_my                          sms
contacts                            l10n_nl                          snailmail
coupon                              l10n_nl_edi                      snailmail_account
crm                                 l10n_no                          social_media
crm_iap_enrich                      l10n_no_edi                      stock
crm_iap_mine                        l10n_nz                          stock_account
crm_livechat                        l10n_pa                          stock_dropshipping
crm_mail_plugin                     l10n_pe                          stock_landed_costs
crm_sms                             l10n_ph                          stock_picking_batch
delivery                            l10n_pk                          stock_sms
delivery_mondialrelay               l10n_pl                          survey
digest                              l10n_pt                          test_base_automation
event                               l10n_ro                          test_discuss_full
event_booth                         l10n_rs                          test_event_full
event_booth_sale                    l10n_sa                          test_mail
event_crm                           l10n_sa_invoice                  test_mail_full
event_crm_sale                      l10n_sa_pos                      test_mass_mailing
event_sale                          l10n_se                          test_website
event_sms                           l10n_sg                          test_website_modules
fetchmail                           l10n_si                          test_website_slides_full
fetchmail_gmail                     l10n_sk                          test_xlsx_export
fetchmail_outlook                   l10n_syscohada                   theme_default
fleet                               l10n_th                          transifex
gamification                        l10n_tr                          uom
gamification_sale_crm               l10n_tw                          utm
gift_card                           l10n_ua                          web
google_account                      l10n_uk                          web_dashboard
google_calendar                     l10n_us                          web_editor
google_drive                        l10n_uy                          web_gantt
google_gmail                        l10n_ve                          web_kanban_gauge
google_recaptcha                    l10n_vn                          web_tour
google_spreadsheet                  l10n_za                          web_unsplash
hr                                  link_tracker                     website
hr_attendance                       lunch                            website_blog
hr_contract                         mail                             website_crm
hr_expense                          mail_bot                         website_crm_iap_reveal
hr_fleet                            mail_bot_hr                      website_crm_livechat
hr_gamification                     mail_group                       website_crm_partner_assign
hr_holidays                         mail_plugin                      website_crm_sms
hr_holidays_attendance              maintenance                      website_customer
hr_maintenance                      mass_mailing                     website_event
hr_org_chart                        mass_mailing_crm                 website_event_booth
hr_presence                         mass_mailing_crm_sms             website_event_booth_exhibitor
hr_recruitment                      mass_mailing_event               website_event_booth_sale
hr_recruitment_survey               mass_mailing_event_sms           website_event_booth_sale_exhibitor
hr_skills                           mass_mailing_event_track         website_event_crm
hr_skills_slides                    mass_mailing_event_track_sms     website_event_crm_questions
hr_skills_survey                    mass_mailing_sale                website_event_exhibitor
hr_timesheet                        mass_mailing_sale_sms            website_event_meet
hr_timesheet_attendance             mass_mailing_slides              website_event_meet_quiz
hr_work_entry                       mass_mailing_sms                 website_event_questions
hr_work_entry_contract              membership                       website_event_sale
hr_work_entry_holidays              microsoft_account                website_event_track
http_routing                        microsoft_calendar               website_event_track_live
hw_drivers                          microsoft_outlook                website_event_track_live_quiz
hw_escpos                           mrp                              website_event_track_quiz
hw_l10n_eg_eta                      mrp_account                      website_form_project
hw_posbox_homepage                  mrp_landed_costs                 website_forum
iap                                 mrp_product_expiry               website_google_map
iap_crm                             mrp_repair                       website_hr_recruitment
iap_mail                            mrp_subcontracting               website_jitsi
im_livechat                         mrp_subcontracting_account       website_links
im_livechat_mail_bot                mrp_subcontracting_dropshipping  website_livechat
l10n_account_edi_ubl_cii_tests      mrp_subcontracting_purchase      website_mail
l10n_ae                             note                             website_mail_group
l10n_ae_pos                         note_pad                         website_mass_mailing
l10n_ar                             pad                              website_membership
l10n_ar_website_sale                pad_project                      website_partner
l10n_at                             partner_autocomplete             website_payment
l10n_au                             payment                          website_profile
l10n_be                             payment_adyen                    website_sale
l10n_be_edi                         payment_alipay                   website_sale_comparison
l10n_bg                             payment_authorize                website_sale_comparison_wishlist
l10n_bo                             payment_buckaroo                 website_sale_coupon
l10n_br                             payment_mollie                   website_sale_coupon_delivery
l10n_ca                             payment_ogone                    website_sale_delivery
l10n_ch                             payment_paypal                   website_sale_delivery_giftcard
l10n_cl                             payment_payulatam                website_sale_delivery_mondialrelay
l10n_cn                             payment_payumoney                website_sale_digital
l10n_cn_city                        payment_sips                     website_sale_gift_card
l10n_co                             payment_stripe                   website_sale_product_configurator
l10n_co_pos                         payment_test                     website_sale_slides
l10n_co_reports                     payment_transfer                 website_sale_stock
l10n_cr                             phone_validation                 website_sale_stock_product_configurator
l10n_cz                             point_of_sale                    website_sale_stock_wishlist
l10n_de                             portal                           website_sale_wishlist
l10n_de_purchase                    portal_rating                    website_slides
l10n_de_repair                      pos_adyen                        website_slides_forum
l10n_de_sale                        pos_cache                        website_slides_survey
l10n_de_skr03                       pos_coupon                       website_sms
l10n_de_skr04                       pos_discount                     website_twitter
l10n_de_stock                       pos_epson_printer
l10n_dk                             pos_epson_printer_restaurant

Custom Addons:


Now, providing some additional details, I've been monitoring the logs but haven't found any errors related to printing reports. I think it's important to mention that once the server starts, the reports work fine. But after some time, the reports start printing with disorganized information. Restarting the Odoo service makes them print correctly again, but the cycle repeats endlessly, which makes me think the issue might be related to the cache.

Removing Studio has been considered but hasn't been done because there are so many customizations that ideally, it should work.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I have no knowledge or experience with Odoo. However, I'd like to solve my client's problem, so I have some questions if you can help:

  1. Have you experienced something similar or do you have any ideas to solve it?
  2. Do you have a different version of Studio that you can share with me to test if that's what's causing the problem and perhaps changing it could solve it?
  3. I think with the tests I've done, I'm already an expert in migrating Odoo, but within the same version. I would also like to upgrade to version 17, which I saw is the latest, but when I tried, I encountered compatibility issues with the modules. Could you recommend a guide or indicate how I could do this? Also, is it a good idea to upgrade (usually it is)?
  4. My interaction with Odoo these days has been at the server level, but nothing regarding management or functionality. From the names of many modules, I think I could remove several. Any suggestions?
I appreciate your comments and assistance; they would be of great support. Also, if my experience with migrations or installations from Docker is useful to you, I'll gladly share any information you require.

Thank you.
Hello everyone,

I work as a full-stack developer, and I'm not very familiar with Odoo. However, I have a client who hired a third-party company to install and configure Odoo for them. They installed and configured Odoo 15 Community edition. At some point, I customized a report template through code. However, since they hired the other company, they decided to install Studio to apply different customizations and adjusted various reports, among other things. However, there's an issue where sometimes the report prints correctly, and other times the information appears disorganized. The company they hired has been unable to find a solution for several months and blames it on having installed Studio (although it was their suggestion). They also experienced server slowness issues that their provider couldn't resolve. For these reasons, my client decided to seek my support. Here's what I've done and some questions I have that you might be able to help with:

  • I read the Odoo documentation and set up a droplet on DigitalOcean, where I installed Odoo 15 according to the documentation. I spent some time solving problems with the versions of some libraries, but it worked, and the speed improved. However, the issue with the reports persists.
  • I continued investigating and thought the issue with the reports might be related to the version of some library. I discovered that it was much simpler to install Odoo using Docker. So, I decided to set it up using Docker, considering that the image comes with the exact versions needed for Odoo to function. I thought this would solve the problem with the reports, but it didn't. I managed to improve the server's performance but couldn't fix the report problem.
However, I'm working with the modules that the previous provider had at the time of installing Odoo for my client. Here's the list of currently installed modules in case it's useful:


account                             l10n_do                          pos_gift_card
account_accountant                  l10n_dz                          pos_hr
account_asset                       l10n_ec                          pos_mercury
account_auto_transfer               l10n_eg                          pos_restaurant
account_bank_statement_import       l10n_eg_edi_eta                  pos_restaurant_adyen
account_bank_statement_import_camt  l10n_es                          pos_sale
account_bank_statement_import_csv   l10n_es_edi_sii                  pos_sale_margin
account_bank_statement_import_ofx   l10n_et                          pos_sale_product_configurator
account_bank_statement_import_qif   l10n_eu_oss                      pos_six
account_check_printing              l10n_fi                          product
account_debit_note                  l10n_fi_sale                     product_email_template
account_edi                         l10n_fr                          product_expiry
account_edi_facturx                 l10n_fr_facturx_chorus_pro       product_images
account_edi_proxy_client            l10n_fr_fec                      product_margin
account_edi_ubl                     l10n_fr_pos_cert                 product_matrix
account_edi_ubl_bis3                l10n_gcc_invoice                 project
account_edi_ubl_cii                 l10n_gcc_invoice_stock_account   project_account
account_fleet                       l10n_gcc_pos                     project_hr_expense
account_followup                    l10n_generic_coa                 project_mail_plugin
account_lock                        l10n_gr                          project_mrp
account_payment                     l10n_gt                          project_purchase
account_qr_code_sepa                l10n_hk                          project_timesheet_holidays
account_reports                     l10n_hn                          purchase
account_reports_cash_basis          l10n_hr                          purchase_mrp
account_sale_timesheet              l10n_hu                          purchase_product_matrix
account_tax_python                  l10n_id                          purchase_requisition
account_test                        l10n_id_efaktur                  purchase_requisition_stock
analytic                            l10n_ie                          purchase_requisition_stock_dropshipping
association                         l10n_il                          purchase_stock
attachment_indexation               l10n_in                          rating
auth_ldap                           l10n_in_edi                      repair
auth_oauth                          l10n_in_edi_ewaybill             resource
auth_password_policy                l10n_in_pos                      sale
auth_password_policy_portal         l10n_in_purchase                 sale_coupon
auth_password_policy_signup         l10n_in_purchase_stock           sale_coupon_delivery
auth_signup                         l10n_in_sale                     sale_crm
auth_totp                           l10n_in_sale_stock               sale_expense
auth_totp_mail                      l10n_in_stock                    sale_gift_card
auth_totp_mail_enforce              l10n_in_upi                      sale_management
auth_totp_portal                    l10n_it                          sale_margin
barcodes                            l10n_it_edi                      sale_mrp
barcodes_gs1_nomenclature           l10n_it_edi_sdicoop              sale_mrp_margin
base_address_city                   l10n_it_stock_ddt                sale_product_configurator
base_address_extended               l10n_jp                          sale_product_matrix
base_automation                     l10n_ke                          sale_project
base_geolocalize                    l10n_ke_edi_tremol               sale_project_account
base_iban                           l10n_latam_base                  sale_purchase
base_import                         l10n_latam_invoice_document      sale_purchase_stock
base_import_module                  l10n_lt                          sale_quotation_builder
base_setup                          l10n_lu                          sale_sms
base_sparse_field                   l10n_lu_peppol_id                sale_stock
base_vat                            l10n_ma                          sale_stock_margin
board                               l10n_mn                          sale_timesheet
bus                                 l10n_multilang                   sale_timesheet_margin
calendar                            l10n_mx                          sales_team
calendar_sms                        l10n_my                          sms
contacts                            l10n_nl                          snailmail
coupon                              l10n_nl_edi                      snailmail_account
crm                                 l10n_no                          social_media
crm_iap_enrich                      l10n_no_edi                      stock
crm_iap_mine                        l10n_nz                          stock_account
crm_livechat                        l10n_pa                          stock_dropshipping
crm_mail_plugin                     l10n_pe                          stock_landed_costs
crm_sms                             l10n_ph                          stock_picking_batch
delivery                            l10n_pk                          stock_sms
delivery_mondialrelay               l10n_pl                          survey
digest                              l10n_pt                          test_base_automation
event                               l10n_ro                          test_discuss_full
event_booth                         l10n_rs                          test_event_full
event_booth_sale                    l10n_sa                          test_mail
event_crm                           l10n_sa_invoice                  test_mail_full
event_crm_sale                      l10n_sa_pos                      test_mass_mailing
event_sale                          l10n_se                          test_website
event_sms                           l10n_sg                          test_website_modules
fetchmail                           l10n_si                          test_website_slides_full
fetchmail_gmail                     l10n_sk                          test_xlsx_export
fetchmail_outlook                   l10n_syscohada                   theme_default
fleet                               l10n_th                          transifex
gamification                        l10n_tr                          uom
gamification_sale_crm               l10n_tw                          utm
gift_card                           l10n_ua                          web
google_account                      l10n_uk                          web_dashboard
google_calendar                     l10n_us                          web_editor
google_drive                        l10n_uy                          web_gantt
google_gmail                        l10n_ve                          web_kanban_gauge
google_recaptcha                    l10n_vn                          web_tour
google_spreadsheet                  l10n_za                          web_unsplash
hr                                  link_tracker                     website
hr_attendance                       lunch                            website_blog
hr_contract                         mail                             website_crm
hr_expense                          mail_bot                         website_crm_iap_reveal
hr_fleet                            mail_bot_hr                      website_crm_livechat
hr_gamification                     mail_group                       website_crm_partner_assign
hr_holidays                         mail_plugin                      website_crm_sms
hr_holidays_attendance              maintenance                      website_customer
hr_maintenance                      mass_mailing                     website_event
hr_org_chart                        mass_mailing_crm                 website_event_booth
hr_presence                         mass_mailing_crm_sms             website_event_booth_exhibitor
hr_recruitment                      mass_mailing_event               website_event_booth_sale
hr_recruitment_survey               mass_mailing_event_sms           website_event_booth_sale_exhibitor
hr_skills                           mass_mailing_event_track         website_event_crm
hr_skills_slides                    mass_mailing_event_track_sms     website_event_crm_questions
hr_skills_survey                    mass_mailing_sale                website_event_exhibitor
hr_timesheet                        mass_mailing_sale_sms            website_event_meet
hr_timesheet_attendance             mass_mailing_slides              website_event_meet_quiz
hr_work_entry                       mass_mailing_sms                 website_event_questions
hr_work_entry_contract              membership                       website_event_sale
hr_work_entry_holidays              microsoft_account                website_event_track
http_routing                        microsoft_calendar               website_event_track_live
hw_drivers                          microsoft_outlook                website_event_track_live_quiz
hw_escpos                           mrp                              website_event_track_quiz
hw_l10n_eg_eta                      mrp_account                      website_form_project
hw_posbox_homepage                  mrp_landed_costs                 website_forum
iap                                 mrp_product_expiry               website_google_map
iap_crm                             mrp_repair                       website_hr_recruitment
iap_mail                            mrp_subcontracting               website_jitsi
im_livechat                         mrp_subcontracting_account       website_links
im_livechat_mail_bot                mrp_subcontracting_dropshipping  website_livechat
l10n_account_edi_ubl_cii_tests      mrp_subcontracting_purchase      website_mail
l10n_ae                             note                             website_mail_group
l10n_ae_pos                         note_pad                         website_mass_mailing
l10n_ar                             pad                              website_membership
l10n_ar_website_sale                pad_project                      website_partner
l10n_at                             partner_autocomplete             website_payment
l10n_au                             payment                          website_profile
l10n_be                             payment_adyen                    website_sale
l10n_be_edi                         payment_alipay                   website_sale_comparison
l10n_bg                             payment_authorize                website_sale_comparison_wishlist
l10n_bo                             payment_buckaroo                 website_sale_coupon
l10n_br                             payment_mollie                   website_sale_coupon_delivery
l10n_ca                             payment_ogone                    website_sale_delivery
l10n_ch                             payment_paypal                   website_sale_delivery_giftcard
l10n_cl                             payment_payulatam                website_sale_delivery_mondialrelay
l10n_cn                             payment_payumoney                website_sale_digital
l10n_cn_city                        payment_sips                     website_sale_gift_card
l10n_co                             payment_stripe                   website_sale_product_configurator
l10n_co_pos                         payment_test                     website_sale_slides
l10n_co_reports                     payment_transfer                 website_sale_stock
l10n_cr                             phone_validation                 website_sale_stock_product_configurator
l10n_cz                             point_of_sale                    website_sale_stock_wishlist
l10n_de                             portal                           website_sale_wishlist
l10n_de_purchase                    portal_rating                    website_slides
l10n_de_repair                      pos_adyen                        website_slides_forum
l10n_de_sale                        pos_cache                        website_slides_survey
l10n_de_skr03                       pos_coupon                       website_sms
l10n_de_skr04                       pos_discount                     website_twitter
l10n_de_stock                       pos_epson_printer
l10n_dk                             pos_epson_printer_restaurant

Custom Addons:


Now, providing some additional details, I've been monitoring the logs but haven't found any errors related to printing reports. I think it's important to mention that once the server starts, the reports work fine. But after some time, the reports start printing with disorganized information. Restarting the Odoo service makes them print correctly again, but the cycle repeats endlessly, which makes me think the issue might be related to the cache.

Removing Studio has been considered but hasn't been done because there are so many customizations that ideally, it should work.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I have no knowledge or experience with Odoo. However, I'd like to solve my client's problem, so I have some questions if you can help:

  1. Have you experienced something similar or do you have any ideas to solve it?
  2. Do you have a different version of Studio that you can share with me to test if that's what's causing the problem and perhaps changing it could solve it?
  3. I think with the tests I've done, I'm already an expert in migrating Odoo, but within the same version. I would also like to upgrade to version 17, which I saw is the latest, but when I tried, I encountered compatibility issues with the modules. Could you recommend a guide or indicate how I could do this? Also, is it a good idea to upgrade (usually it is)?
  4. My interaction with Odoo these days has been at the server level, but nothing regarding management or functionality. From the names of many modules, I think I could remove several. Any suggestions?
I appreciate your comments and assistance; they would be of great support. Also, if my experience with migrations or installations from Docker is useful to you, I'll gladly share any information you require.

Thank you.
I see you cross posted on redditt, you might get some good info there, you might not.

full stack developers - very few of them that are actually any good. Most are either front end or back end and not both.

why version 15?? is it an older install or a newer one? If newer, they should have installed 17 and went with it from there.

if you remove studio, you remove any access to any customizations and will cause more errors than what you have now, even with in the app itself.

the studio hack on community edition, IMO never worked well.

you can go back into the report & reset it to stock.
if you customized via code, i suggest that you remove that code and reupload the template with the stock template file.
one of these 2 options will fix your report printing.
I will be updating odoo 15, 16 & 17 in a few and post a link.
This is the simple steps.

Personally I use debian and have been since version .08 due to stability, even though some packages are a little older. Debian is solid, secure and stable.

from a clean base install.
install wkhtmltopdf - download will be with odoo link i provide later
dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-3.bookworm_amd64.deb
apt -f install - this will fix dependancies.
apt install postgresql
dpkg -i odoo_17.0+e.latest_all.deb
apt -f install - i do this because I am lazy and don't want to remember all the dependancies LOL
dpkg -i odoo_17.0+e.latest_all.deb

----- Odoo specific ----
activate sales and then accounting apps in that order - THIS STEP CAN NOT BE SKIPPED!!!
upload odoo_unlimited.zip to you addons dir & unzip
systemctl restart odoo
activate developer mode
go to apps and search for odoo_unlimited
enable odoo_unlimited

boom you are done, database expires in Month/Day/2054  (goes by date installed)

If you are running odoo behind a proxy, you will need to edit the odoo.conf file
nano /etc/odoo/odoo.conf
and add at the botttom
proxy_mode = True

If you want to have a custom addons  dir than add this to the same file
addons_path = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons, /opt/odoo/17

It may be commented out already, you will need to remove the comment & add
, /path/to/cusomt/addons/
make sure there is a comma after /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons
and yes /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons this needs to be in the path as well.

after every module upload and unzip, you should restart odoo so it pulls in the icons, notes, etc.

systemctl restart odoo.
I've followed your instruction but the odoo_unlimited doesnt update my database expire date. doesn't null at all
i dont know whats wrong but been doing it more than 6 times
uninstall. after uninstall delete it from odoo, then delete it from server
restart odoo.

make sure accounting app is installed.

unzip it again, restart odoo

refresh apps, activate it
Thank you very much sir @drakus . Finally you get it work on my server. i've been working around like hell few hours and you just do it in a minutes. really appreaciate it!

FireShot Capture 235 - Odoo - Settings -
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Ok, so it seems I am a dumbass and left out a step to null odoo 17 enterprise edition so I am going to repost with updated instructions and hid it for registered members only

View hidden content is available for registered users!
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Hello everyone,

I work as a full-stack developer, and I'm not very familiar with Odoo. However, I have a client who hired a third-party company to install and configure Odoo for them. They installed and configured Odoo 15 Community edition. At some point, I customized a report template through code. However, since they hired the other company, they decided to install Studio to apply different customizations and adjusted various reports, among other things. However, there's an issue where sometimes the report prints correctly, and other times the information appears disorganized. The company they hired has been unable to find a solution for several months and blames it on having installed Studio (although it was their suggestion). They also experienced server slowness issues that their provider couldn't resolve. For these reasons, my client decided to seek my support. Here's what I've done and some questions I have that you might be able to help with:

  • I read the Odoo documentation and set up a droplet on DigitalOcean, where I installed Odoo 15 according to the documentation. I spent some time solving problems with the versions of some libraries, but it worked, and the speed improved. However, the issue with the reports persists.
  • I continued investigating and thought the issue with the reports might be related to the version of some library. I discovered that it was much simpler to install Odoo using Docker. So, I decided to set it up using Docker, considering that the image comes with the exact versions needed for Odoo to function. I thought this would solve the problem with the reports, but it didn't. I managed to improve the server's performance but couldn't fix the report problem.
However, I'm working with the modules that the previous provider had at the time of installing Odoo for my client. Here's the list of currently installed modules in case it's useful:


account                             l10n_do                          pos_gift_card
account_accountant                  l10n_dz                          pos_hr
account_asset                       l10n_ec                          pos_mercury
account_auto_transfer               l10n_eg                          pos_restaurant
account_bank_statement_import       l10n_eg_edi_eta                  pos_restaurant_adyen
account_bank_statement_import_camt  l10n_es                          pos_sale
account_bank_statement_import_csv   l10n_es_edi_sii                  pos_sale_margin
account_bank_statement_import_ofx   l10n_et                          pos_sale_product_configurator
account_bank_statement_import_qif   l10n_eu_oss                      pos_six
account_check_printing              l10n_fi                          product
account_debit_note                  l10n_fi_sale                     product_email_template
account_edi                         l10n_fr                          product_expiry
account_edi_facturx                 l10n_fr_facturx_chorus_pro       product_images
account_edi_proxy_client            l10n_fr_fec                      product_margin
account_edi_ubl                     l10n_fr_pos_cert                 product_matrix
account_edi_ubl_bis3                l10n_gcc_invoice                 project
account_edi_ubl_cii                 l10n_gcc_invoice_stock_account   project_account
account_fleet                       l10n_gcc_pos                     project_hr_expense
account_followup                    l10n_generic_coa                 project_mail_plugin
account_lock                        l10n_gr                          project_mrp
account_payment                     l10n_gt                          project_purchase
account_qr_code_sepa                l10n_hk                          project_timesheet_holidays
account_reports                     l10n_hn                          purchase
account_reports_cash_basis          l10n_hr                          purchase_mrp
account_sale_timesheet              l10n_hu                          purchase_product_matrix
account_tax_python                  l10n_id                          purchase_requisition
account_test                        l10n_id_efaktur                  purchase_requisition_stock
analytic                            l10n_ie                          purchase_requisition_stock_dropshipping
association                         l10n_il                          purchase_stock
attachment_indexation               l10n_in                          rating
auth_ldap                           l10n_in_edi                      repair
auth_oauth                          l10n_in_edi_ewaybill             resource
auth_password_policy                l10n_in_pos                      sale
auth_password_policy_portal         l10n_in_purchase                 sale_coupon
auth_password_policy_signup         l10n_in_purchase_stock           sale_coupon_delivery
auth_signup                         l10n_in_sale                     sale_crm
auth_totp                           l10n_in_sale_stock               sale_expense
auth_totp_mail                      l10n_in_stock                    sale_gift_card
auth_totp_mail_enforce              l10n_in_upi                      sale_management
auth_totp_portal                    l10n_it                          sale_margin
barcodes                            l10n_it_edi                      sale_mrp
barcodes_gs1_nomenclature           l10n_it_edi_sdicoop              sale_mrp_margin
base_address_city                   l10n_it_stock_ddt                sale_product_configurator
base_address_extended               l10n_jp                          sale_product_matrix
base_automation                     l10n_ke                          sale_project
base_geolocalize                    l10n_ke_edi_tremol               sale_project_account
base_iban                           l10n_latam_base                  sale_purchase
base_import                         l10n_latam_invoice_document      sale_purchase_stock
base_import_module                  l10n_lt                          sale_quotation_builder
base_setup                          l10n_lu                          sale_sms
base_sparse_field                   l10n_lu_peppol_id                sale_stock
base_vat                            l10n_ma                          sale_stock_margin
board                               l10n_mn                          sale_timesheet
bus                                 l10n_multilang                   sale_timesheet_margin
calendar                            l10n_mx                          sales_team
calendar_sms                        l10n_my                          sms
contacts                            l10n_nl                          snailmail
coupon                              l10n_nl_edi                      snailmail_account
crm                                 l10n_no                          social_media
crm_iap_enrich                      l10n_no_edi                      stock
crm_iap_mine                        l10n_nz                          stock_account
crm_livechat                        l10n_pa                          stock_dropshipping
crm_mail_plugin                     l10n_pe                          stock_landed_costs
crm_sms                             l10n_ph                          stock_picking_batch
delivery                            l10n_pk                          stock_sms
delivery_mondialrelay               l10n_pl                          survey
digest                              l10n_pt                          test_base_automation
event                               l10n_ro                          test_discuss_full
event_booth                         l10n_rs                          test_event_full
event_booth_sale                    l10n_sa                          test_mail
event_crm                           l10n_sa_invoice                  test_mail_full
event_crm_sale                      l10n_sa_pos                      test_mass_mailing
event_sale                          l10n_se                          test_website
event_sms                           l10n_sg                          test_website_modules
fetchmail                           l10n_si                          test_website_slides_full
fetchmail_gmail                     l10n_sk                          test_xlsx_export
fetchmail_outlook                   l10n_syscohada                   theme_default
fleet                               l10n_th                          transifex
gamification                        l10n_tr                          uom
gamification_sale_crm               l10n_tw                          utm
gift_card                           l10n_ua                          web
google_account                      l10n_uk                          web_dashboard
google_calendar                     l10n_us                          web_editor
google_drive                        l10n_uy                          web_gantt
google_gmail                        l10n_ve                          web_kanban_gauge
google_recaptcha                    l10n_vn                          web_tour
google_spreadsheet                  l10n_za                          web_unsplash
hr                                  link_tracker                     website
hr_attendance                       lunch                            website_blog
hr_contract                         mail                             website_crm
hr_expense                          mail_bot                         website_crm_iap_reveal
hr_fleet                            mail_bot_hr                      website_crm_livechat
hr_gamification                     mail_group                       website_crm_partner_assign
hr_holidays                         mail_plugin                      website_crm_sms
hr_holidays_attendance              maintenance                      website_customer
hr_maintenance                      mass_mailing                     website_event
hr_org_chart                        mass_mailing_crm                 website_event_booth
hr_presence                         mass_mailing_crm_sms             website_event_booth_exhibitor
hr_recruitment                      mass_mailing_event               website_event_booth_sale
hr_recruitment_survey               mass_mailing_event_sms           website_event_booth_sale_exhibitor
hr_skills                           mass_mailing_event_track         website_event_crm
hr_skills_slides                    mass_mailing_event_track_sms     website_event_crm_questions
hr_skills_survey                    mass_mailing_sale                website_event_exhibitor
hr_timesheet                        mass_mailing_sale_sms            website_event_meet
hr_timesheet_attendance             mass_mailing_slides              website_event_meet_quiz
hr_work_entry                       mass_mailing_sms                 website_event_questions
hr_work_entry_contract              membership                       website_event_sale
hr_work_entry_holidays              microsoft_account                website_event_track
http_routing                        microsoft_calendar               website_event_track_live
hw_drivers                          microsoft_outlook                website_event_track_live_quiz
hw_escpos                           mrp                              website_event_track_quiz
hw_l10n_eg_eta                      mrp_account                      website_form_project
hw_posbox_homepage                  mrp_landed_costs                 website_forum
iap                                 mrp_product_expiry               website_google_map
iap_crm                             mrp_repair                       website_hr_recruitment
iap_mail                            mrp_subcontracting               website_jitsi
im_livechat                         mrp_subcontracting_account       website_links
im_livechat_mail_bot                mrp_subcontracting_dropshipping  website_livechat
l10n_account_edi_ubl_cii_tests      mrp_subcontracting_purchase      website_mail
l10n_ae                             note                             website_mail_group
l10n_ae_pos                         note_pad                         website_mass_mailing
l10n_ar                             pad                              website_membership
l10n_ar_website_sale                pad_project                      website_partner
l10n_at                             partner_autocomplete             website_payment
l10n_au                             payment                          website_profile
l10n_be                             payment_adyen                    website_sale
l10n_be_edi                         payment_alipay                   website_sale_comparison
l10n_bg                             payment_authorize                website_sale_comparison_wishlist
l10n_bo                             payment_buckaroo                 website_sale_coupon
l10n_br                             payment_mollie                   website_sale_coupon_delivery
l10n_ca                             payment_ogone                    website_sale_delivery
l10n_ch                             payment_paypal                   website_sale_delivery_giftcard
l10n_cl                             payment_payulatam                website_sale_delivery_mondialrelay
l10n_cn                             payment_payumoney                website_sale_digital
l10n_cn_city                        payment_sips                     website_sale_gift_card
l10n_co                             payment_stripe                   website_sale_product_configurator
l10n_co_pos                         payment_test                     website_sale_slides
l10n_co_reports                     payment_transfer                 website_sale_stock
l10n_cr                             phone_validation                 website_sale_stock_product_configurator
l10n_cz                             point_of_sale                    website_sale_stock_wishlist
l10n_de                             portal                           website_sale_wishlist
l10n_de_purchase                    portal_rating                    website_slides
l10n_de_repair                      pos_adyen                        website_slides_forum
l10n_de_sale                        pos_cache                        website_slides_survey
l10n_de_skr03                       pos_coupon                       website_sms
l10n_de_skr04                       pos_discount                     website_twitter
l10n_de_stock                       pos_epson_printer
l10n_dk                             pos_epson_printer_restaurant

Custom Addons:


Now, providing some additional details, I've been monitoring the logs but haven't found any errors related to printing reports. I think it's important to mention that once the server starts, the reports work fine. But after some time, the reports start printing with disorganized information. Restarting the Odoo service makes them print correctly again, but the cycle repeats endlessly, which makes me think the issue might be related to the cache.

Removing Studio has been considered but hasn't been done because there are so many customizations that ideally, it should work.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I have no knowledge or experience with Odoo. However, I'd like to solve my client's problem, so I have some questions if you can help:

  1. Have you experienced something similar or do you have any ideas to solve it?
  2. Do you have a different version of Studio that you can share with me to test if that's what's causing the problem and perhaps changing it could solve it?
  3. I think with the tests I've done, I'm already an expert in migrating Odoo, but within the same version. I would also like to upgrade to version 17, which I saw is the latest, but when I tried, I encountered compatibility issues with the modules. Could you recommend a guide or indicate how I could do this? Also, is it a good idea to upgrade (usually it is)?
  4. My interaction with Odoo these days has been at the server level, but nothing regarding management or functionality. From the names of many modules, I think I could remove several. Any suggestions?
I appreciate your comments and assistance; they would be of great support. Also, if my experience with migrations or installations from Docker is useful to you, I'll gladly share any information you require.

Thank you.

Hi, i think there is something that you miss. Go to settings, activate developer mode, then go to technical > system parameters and add this key "web.base.url.freeze" with the value "True". Also check if the web_base url matches that of the addresss you are using. This will fix the issue with reports distortion
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